Women in the War JV - PDF Flipbook

Revolutoinary War A JV

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W​ omen In The War!


Table of Contents Pg 1.
Pg 2.
Chapter 1 How did women help? Pg 3.
Chapter 2 How did they get in the war?
Chapter 3 What job did they do after the war?

Works Cited
About the auther

Chapter One

How did women help?

Women helped in the war by spying, being nurses, being secret soldiers, getting
supplies, and making ammunition. Some even directly fought the enemy!! Some of the
women of the war were Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, and Betsy Ross. Martha
Washington​ helped recruit women to provide assistance to the Continental Army.
Abigail Adams battled for independence in many ways including: nursing, getting
supplies to the soldiers, and producing ammunition. Betsy Ross made the first
American flag. They also helped by being farmers,blacksmiths,and secret soldiers.

Chapter Two

How did the women get into the war?

Poor women had to go to war with their children! Women said, “The men are
risking their lives, I’m gonna risk mine.” Deborah Sampson made a uniform and
disguised herself as a man to be in the war. They also chose to go to the war because
they wanted to fight for freedom from England. T​ oday, women who followed the army
are referred to "camp followers," even though that term was not used in the eighteenth
century. Females who followed Washington's army were seeking safety, shelter, food,
and work. They needed the army, and while Washington and many officers did not like
to admit it, but the army needed them. Imagine if you were poor your mother would
have to go to war and you would have to go with her! But you're lucky that you're in
these days.

Chapter Three

What jobs did the women have after the war?

During the Revolutionary war, women who were not involved with the war, ran
farms and family businesses, became school teachers, were store clerks, and were
midwives. Women who did men’s jobs during the war,returned to their old jobs as
housewives after the war. Some women were not happy with their rights after the war.
They could not vote and did not have as much schooling. Some women began a
peaceful revolution called the Women’s Rights Movement. After the war they also were
farmers,blacksmiths,and soldiers. The farmers helped by getting crops. The blacksmith
helped by making swords and axes. And the soldiers helped by protecting the place.

Works Cited

h​ ttp://www.pbs.org

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