Teaching Organiser Chapter 1 - PDF Flipbook


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Based on the new 2017 KSSM English Textbook

Note to the teachers using this organiser:

This TO is based solely on the prescribed KSSM Form
1 English textbook. Edit the dates for each theme.

Please edit the teacher’s name accordingly. It is not
recommended to print and share a single organiser
for all teachers because different classes are taught
by different teachers (unless class-sharing is a
common practice). Please edit and use your own, not
your colleague’s.

List down all form 1 classes you’re teaching. Jotting
down expected/ perceived proficiency level in bracket
will help a lot when you’re assigning bands according
to the performance standards later on.

The term “Learning & Facilitating” is used in place of
“Teaching & Learning” to better reflect 21st Century
Learning practices (PdPc – Pembelajaran dan

The suggested activities for Listening & Speaking,
Reading, and Writing are segregated into band-
approriate columns to facilitate differentiated learning
and to make it easier for teachers to assign students
into bands.

Note that there are NO performance standards for
Grammar, Action-oriented tasks and Literature in

The Literature components used for LiA are based on
the new textbook. Feel free to include activities
suitable for poems/ short stories/ graphic novels/
short plays from previously prescribed literature
component readings.

Due to socioeconomic and cultural differences, the
One Size Fits All principle does not apply to all
teaching organisers. The most ideal organisers are
those designed with a specific school with specific
clients (read: students) in mind.

Good luck with the new syllabus and have fun!

TEACHER’S NAME: Duration Week 1 – 3
 Odah binti Tai January 3 ~ January 20 2017
3 weeks
Forms Grammar Item(s)
(10.5 hours)
1 Amanah 4.1.1 Identify and use nouns
(Intermediate High) appropriately according to
1Dedikasi (i) common nouns
(Low) (ii) proper nouns

4.1.4 Identify and use
articles appropriately
according to context:
(i) indefinite article ‘a’ and

Domain Theme Topic

Personal, Public People & Culture Chapter 1: New Year, New
You (p.1~12)


(questions/statements to be answered while and after lessons-similar to objectives)

1. Listen to a talk programme
2. Speak about new year resolutions
3. Read a brochure on new year celebrations
4. Create a poster on an event
5. Learn about common nouns, proper nouns and articles
6. Practise /ʌ/ and / /ɑː/
7. Appreciate a poem

Learning & Facilitating Strategies

 Cooperative learning i-ThiNK Tools
 Pupil-centredness  Circle map
 Tree map
 Flow map

Cross-curricular Elements

 Language
 Values
 Patriotism & Citizenship
 Creativity & Innovation


Content Standards:
1.1 Can listen to and use correct pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation patterns to
1.2 Can listen to, engage and interpret meaningful conversation.
1.3 Can listen to and respond critically to a wide range of spoken, audio, visual texts.
1.4 Can speak intelligibly, eloquently and appropriately for different purposes.

Learning Standards:
1.1.1 Can listen to, discriminate and pronounce accurately:

(i) long and short vowels
1.2.1 Can listen to and respond to directions, instruction and procedures
1.3.1 Can listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to:

(i) retrieve main ideas
(ii) retrieve supporting details
1.4.1 Can express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally

Bands 1-2 (Low) Bands 3-4 (Intermediate) Bands 5-6 (High)

- Say words with short and - Tick the correct sentence - Write a dialogue with
long vowels correctly based on the spoken text words containing the
correct /ʌ/ and /ɑː/ sounds
- Listen to a talk programe -In pairs, ask questions and
and complete a tree map complete a tree map about - Listen to a dialogue and
each other’s new year complete a flow chart
- Practise saying new year resolutions
resolutions aloud - Role-play: In pairs, talk
about how to accomplish
new year resolutions

Formative Assessment:
- Completion of listening tasks
- Completion of tree maps and flow charts
- Role play

* When awarding bands, listen to the vocabulary used during conversations and how
much guidance is needed

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.2 -3 and p.10)

- Audio CD, audio player and smartphone with QR Code reader/ scanner.


To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate? Yes / No
Thoughts/ feelings:


Content Standards:
2.1 Can demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts using a range of strategies to
construct meaning.

2.2 Can apply a range of strategies to comprehend texts related to everyday living

Learning Standards:
2.1.1 Can read and develop vocabulary skills by understanding:

(i) similes
2.1.2 Can understand meanings of words from print media by using:

(i) dictionary
2.2.1 Can Demonstrate understanding by:

(i) identifying main ideas in given texts
2.2.2 Can locate and organise information by :

(i) using graphic organisers


Bands 1-2 (Low) Bands 3-4 (Intermediate) Bands 5-6 (High)

- Read a brochure about - Answer comprehension - Discuss and make
cultural celebrations in questions and complete a
Malaysia double bubble map predictions about traditional
practices in 50 years’ time

- Find meanings in - Assign word to meanings - Create similes from words
given given

Formative Assessment:
- Completion of double bubble maps
- Completion of meaning-word tables
- Ability to create similes

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p. 4-6)


To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate? Yes / No
Thoughts/ feelings:


Content Standard:
3.2 Can produce a variety of texts for creative, personal, academic and functional

Learning Standard:
3.2.2 Can write for creative and personal expressions:

(iii) posters and slogans


Bands 1-2 (Low) Bands 3-4 (Intermediate) Bands 5-6 (High)

- Look at different posters - Provide other suitable - In groups, complete Task
and match headings to the headings for given posters 3 to set up a gallery walk
posters about how different races
- Create posters about New celebrate New Year
Year celebrations

Formative Assessment:
- Completion of exercise (headings)
- Completion of posters (individual)
- Gallery walk (note the vocabulary)

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.7 -8)


To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate? Yes / No
Thoughts/ feelings:


Content Standard:
4.1 Can identify and use language structures appropriately according to context

Learning Standards:
4.1.1 Can identify and use nouns appropriately according to context:

(i) common nouns
(ii) proper nouns

4.1.4 Can identify and use articles appropriately according to context:
(i) indefinite article ‘a’ and ‘an’


- In pairs, classify words given as either common or proper nouns
- Complete a dialogue with correct articles

Formative Assessment:
- Completion of all tasks

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.9)


To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate? Yes / No
Thoughts/ feelings:


(These action-oriented tasks ensure that all the four language skills and the Grammar elementstaught are integrated to
emulate real-life situations. These tasks and experiences will be the bridging that helps students to overcome
challenges in real life which require them to communicate in English.)

Content Standards:
1.4 Can speak intelligibly, eloquently and appropriately for different purposes.
3.2 Can produce a variety of texts for creative, personal, academic and functional
5.2 Can use a wide range of literary texts to convey views for different purposes and
audiences, and relate them to real life situations.

Learning Standards:
1.4.1 Can express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally
3.2.2 Can write for creative and personal expressions:

(iii) posters and slogans
5.2.4 Can share personal responses to literary works through performances

- Whole-class discussion and group assignments. Different group will assume
different roles and complete different tasks. This lesson requires everyone to
play different roles.
- Design posters promoting the sketch performance
- Write scripts for the short sketch
- Produce a short sketch based on the various New Year Celebrations in Malaysia

Formative Assessment:
- Posters creation
- Scripts written
- Sketch performance

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.11)
- Computers with working internet connection for group research
- Newspapers/ materials suitable for impromptu costume creations


To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate? Yes / No
Thoughts/ feelings:


Content Standards:
5.1 Can engage and respond to a variety of literary texts to express understanding of the
broader world of ideas and concepts.
5.2 Can use a wide range of literary texts to convey views for different purposes and
audiences, and relate them to real life situations.

Learning Standards:
5.1.2 Can read and understand various literary works
5.1.3 Can share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new
ideas or solve problems
5.2.4 Can share personal responses to literary works through performances

- Read the excerpt of a poem
- In groups, dramatise the poem (one line per student).

*time should be allocated for setting up the background music, costumes and stage
setups for the performance

Formative Assessment:
- Creative group presentations and efforts put into the presentations
- Dramatisation (atmosphere, intonation, emotion, body language and facial
expression) during performance

- KSSM English Form 1 Textbook (p.11)


To be filled after completion. Separate thoughts/ feelings according to classes taught.

Date of completion: ____________________ Is the duration appropriate? Yes / No
Thoughts/ feelings:

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