materi pembelajaran biographical recount - PDF Flipbook

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Rusilawati, S.Pd

Biography text is a detailed
description or account of a
person’s life and written by
someone else, it is nonfiction

Function of Biography
To know a person’s story about his/her life outside
of any accomplishments this person may be known

Untuk mengetahui kisah seseorang tentang
kehidupannya di luar pencapaian apa pun, orang ini
mungkin dikenal.

To give much information easily and educate the
Untuk memberikan banyak informasi dengan mudah
dan mendidik para pembaca.

Characteristics of Biography
Biography is not written by subject and always written in the third person.
Teks biografi tidak dibuat oleh orang yang sedang diceritakan riwayat
hidupnya, tetapi diceritakan oleh oranglain dalam sudut pandang orang
Based on research.

Teks tersebut dibuat berdasarkan fakta pengalaman hidup suatu tokoh berisi
mengenai kisah atau cerita suatu tokoh dalam mengarungi kehidupannya,
entah itu berupa kelebihan, masalah atau kekurangan yang ditulis oleh orang
lain sehingga patut menjadi teladan.

Describes the person’s surroundings (where, when and how the person
Menceritakan secara detail tentang informasi tokoh yang diceritakan yang
meliputi W/H Question (What, Where, When, Why, How)
Use vivid language to narrate events.
Penggunaan bahasa harus benar-benar jelas diaplikasikan dalam sebuah teks

Generic Structure
1. Orientation

It is the opening paragraph, gives the readers the background
information of the person.
Biasanya berisi tentang bio>Grammar and Language Features
1.Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense adalah menu utama dalam membuat Teks Biografi. Sebuah bentuk sederhana kejadian yang terjadi di masa
lampau. Menggunakan bentuk kata kerja kedua (verb 2).

Harry Edward Styles was born in Redditch, Worcestershire on 1 February 1994.
He is the son of Anne Cox (née Selley) and Desmond “Des” Styles, who worked in finance.

2. Temporal Sequence and Temporal Conjunction.
Sebagai penghubung antara satu kalimat dengan kalimat lain dalam urutan waktu.

Temporal Sequence (urutan waktu)
Temporal Conjunction (konjungsi temporal).
Styles’ parents divorced when he was seven and his mother later was remarried to Robin Twist; he died in 2017.

3. Focus on Specific participants
4. Use of Action verbs.
Menjelaskan sesuatu hal yang secara aktif dilakukan oleh tokoh dengan menggunakan beberapa kata kerja dalam bentuk V2
atau Past Form.

Styles launched his own record label, Erskine Records, in May and he signed a recording contract with Columbia Records
as a solo artist, the same label behind One Direction, in June.
Styles wrote the song “Someday” in collaboration with Meghan Trainor for Michael Bublé’s album Nobody but Me,
released in October.

Types of Biography

Short Biography (focuses only on highlights of a

person’s life)

Long Biography (about life and times of someone in a lot

more detail) Do you know example of recount text?
give a title.

Ki Hajar Dewantara
On May 2, 1889 Ki Hajar Dewantara born in Yogyakarta. The original name of Ki Hajar Dewantara i.e. Raden Mas
Soewardi Soeryaningrat. He comes from a family of Yogyakarta Kingdom. Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat, he
was renamed Ki Hajar Dewantara when even 40 year old Caka year count did. Since that time, he was no longer
using knighted before his name. It is intended that he be free to close to the people, both physically and in his
heart. He is a figure of a polite, simple and noble-hearted. Although the gentility but Ki Hajar Dewantara still hang
out with the people downstairs and diligently provide succor to the needy.
The journey of life Ki Hajar Dewantara really characterized the struggle and devotion in the interest of his people.
He completed elementary school in ELS (Netherlands elementary school) then extends to the STOVIA (school
Doctor Bumiputra), but not until the end due to illness. He then worked as a journalist on several newspapers,
among others, Sedyotomo, Java, Midden De Express, Indian Oetoesan, Kaoem, Moeda Tjahaja Timoer and
Poesara. In his time, he belongs to the author reliable. His writings are very communicative, sharp and so capable
of uplifting patriotic antikolonialfor readers.
Ki Hajar Dewantara in addition to young journalists as a tenacious, he was also active in social and political
organization. In 1908, he was active in Boedi Oetomo propaganda section to socialize and evocative awareness
of Indonesia at that time aboutthe importance of unity and unity in the nation and State.
Ki Hajar Dewantara very active and concerned with the world of education. One of the proofs of it i.e. He
established the School Grounds Students in 1922.
He gave the example of and motivation to young people to keep passion in learning about science. One of the
motivational words of Ki Hajar Dewantara which until now still inherent in the minds of all of us, namely: “Tut
wuri handayani” ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani.

Biografi Soekarno
Ir. Soekarno (born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 – died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970 at age 69 years) is
Indonesia’s first president who served two terms from 1945 to 1966. He played an important role for the
liberation of Indonesia from Dutch colonialism. He is a digger Pancasila. He was proclaimed Indonesian
independence (along with Mohammad Hatta) which occurred on August 17, 1945.
Sukarno signed the Warrant March 11, 1966 Supersemar controversial, in which – according to the released
version of Army Headquarters – Lt. Gen. Suharto assigned to secure and maintain state security and the
institution of the presidency. Supersemar basis Lieutenant General Suharto to dissolve the Communist Party
of Indonesia (PKI) and replace the members who sit in parliament. After the answer denied liability Provisional
People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) in the fourth general assembly in 1967, President Sukarno removed
from office as president in the MPRS Special Session of the same year and raised Suharto as acting President
of the Republic of Indonesia.
As a young child living with his grandfather Sukarno in Tulungagung, East Java. At the age of 14 years, a friend
of his father who called Tjokroaminoto Sukarno invited to stay in Surabaya and schooled to Hoogere Burger
School (HBS) in there with a Koran in the Tjokroaminoto. At Surabaya, Sukarno many met with the SI leaders,
the organization led Tjokroaminoto time. Sukarno then joined the organization Jong Java (Java Youth).

Finished H.B.S. 1920, Sukarno continued to Technische Hoge School (now ITB) in Bandung, and
graduated in 1925. While in Bandung, Sukarno interacts with Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Dr. Douwes
Dekker, who was then leader of the National organization Indische Partij.

Iwan fals
Virgiawan Listanto is a musician from Indonesia who is highly regarded for his work that is criticized. He was born in
Jakarta on September 3rd, 1961.
His father is Haryoso, while his mother, Lies Suudijah is a beautiful woman from Tasikmalaya.
When born, his parents gave him the name Virgiawan Listanto, but now more known as Iwan Fals.
Iwan Fals childhood was spent in Bandung, then in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for 8 months. He never went to school in
SMPN 5 Bandung, West Java.
After graduating from SMPN 5 he continued his study at the SMAK BPK Bandung and then continued his study at
STP (Sekolah Tinggi Publistik) and his last study at the Jakarta Art Institute.
His musical talent had been seen since the age of 13 years. At that time, Iwan spent more time with singing in
From a young age, Iwan had fun playing the guitar singing even he was willing to train the ability to play the guitar
and composing songs.
In 1980, Iwan was married to a beautiful girl named Rosana (Mbak Yos). His marriage to Mbak Yos has three
children, namely, Galang Rambu Anarki, Annisa Cikal Rambu Bassae, and Raya Rambu Rabbani.
Iwan is also very active in sports. He won Second Place in National Karate Championship, The forth place at
National Karate Championship in 1989, and he had entered the national training and practice karate in college, STP
(High School Publication).

His consistency in the music marked in the number of albums that have been released since
1978. Then, it’s not infrequently that young singers in Indonesia are idolized his works. Until now,
more than 45 successful albums have been created by him. So it is natural that he’s called a

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