Classic Books and Related Info for Kids, Teens, Educators and Parents - PDF Flipbook

Turn the pages to explore bygone eras, time-honored tales and historical narratives. Adventure awaits in these classic b

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Classic Books and Related Info for Kids,
Teens, Educators and Parents

Turn the pages to explore bygone eras, time-honored tales and historical
narratives. Adventure awaits in these classic books online.
This is a selective list of books and pamphlets of general and scholarly interest,
supplemented by key articles. The list is arranged by subject and organized into
several categories: Literature, History, Religion, Esoterica, etc.
Further information about each publication is provided whenever appropriate; in
several instances references to supplementary research materials are cited.
Publications with digital versions can be accessed by clicking the publication's title
or the link in the last section of each entry.
The Teacher Resources Collection is a database of original educational materials
that can be used in the classroom.

Searching for lesson materials can be done through subject category, keyword,
intended audience/grade level, and educational standard searches.

Teaching resources are intended to be aligned to educational standards.

The resources are contributions by experienced educators and follow a
general template.

The online library of content contains books, magazine, newspaper, and journal
articles on subjects such as history, philosophy, economics, political science,
English and literature, anthropology, psychology, and sociology.

- Literary content integrates with subject indexing for a full research experience.

- Fun, substantive content takes kids on adventures in science, nature, culture and

- Biographical and contextual information on notable people throughout history.

- Complete source for peer-reviewed scholarly articles across all academic

- Reference content which users can search across or use to discover additional
supporting materials.

- Curriculum tool designed to help students build confidence while learning
important research and critical thinking skills.

- Connect students to the information they're looking for with tools that make
discovery fast and easy.

- Bring science to life with interactive models that empower students to better
visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science,
and more.

- Ensure students are future ready with engaging, authoritative databases.

- Academic articles, reports, news, book reports, and more in the field of

- Enjoy unlimited access to top reference eBooks.

- Health-focused magazines, references, video, and more.

- Continuously updated information and opinions covering hot issues.

- Information on high school research topics plus pop culture, sports, and more.

- Academic articles, videos, case studies, and more on topics in environmental

- An engaging student experience merges magazines, news, multimedia and

This list is a starting point, it is not a register of the "best" American books –
although many of them fit that description. Rather, the list is intended to spark a
national conversation on books that have influenced American lives, whether they
appear on this list or not.

We hope you will view the list, discuss it with your friends and family, and most
importantly, choose to read and discuss some of the books on this list, reflecting
America's unique and extraordinary literary heritage.

Classic Sites

• Classic Bookshelf
• Page by Page Books
• Luminarium
• Questia
• Balwin of Library
• Classic Literature
• Freeditorial
• Lit2Go
• Planet Publish
• - Complete Sherlock Holmes Canon

Religion / Esoterica

• Sacred Text Archive - Religion / Mythology / Folklore / Esoterica
• ARCHIVES - Occult / Witchcraft / Religion
• /r/Echerdex - Esoterica / Repository / Discord
• WiLd's Occult Ebook Sources - Occult / Esoterica
• - Occult
• GodChecker - Religion / Mythology
• Hermetic International - Religion / Occult / Alchemy / Astrology / Freemasonry / Gnosticism /

Hermetic / Kabbalah / Philosophy
• Temple of Solomon the King - Occult / Gnosticism / Esoterica / Drive
• Hermetics - Ancient Texts / Mythology / Occult
• Awakening-Intuition - Religion / Esoterica / Occult
• Summa Theologiae - Religion / Sacred Doctrine / Christianity
• Esoteric Library - Esoterica / Occult
• Biblioteca Pleyades - Mythology / Conspiracy / Esoterica
• Magic / Esoteric Telegram Channels - Magic / Esoterica
• Dhamma Talks - Sacred Texts / Religion / Buddhism
• Sutta Central - Sacred Texts / Religion / Buddhism
• NTSLibrary - Religion / Philosophy
• Gnostic Society Library - Gnosticism
• Esoterica - Esoterica / Philosophy / Gnosticism
• Logoi Library - Gnosticism / Hermeticism
• 766 Occult Books - Occult
• Messy Occult Library - Occult / Esoterica / Gnosticism
• ObscUrban Legend Wiki - Mythology / Urban Legends
• FairyTalez - Mythology / Folklore / Fairy Tales
• Encyclopedia Mythica - Mythology / Folklore / Religion
• - Mythology / Religion
• ABookOfCreatures, Demons of the Deep or Bestiary - Mythological Encyclopedias
• Theoi - Greek Mythology
• Germanic Mythology - Germanic Mythology
• Japanese Mythology - Japanese Mythology
• The Myths of Mexico - Mexican Mythology
• A Chinese Bestiary - Chinese Mythology
• Inuit Myths - Inuit Mythology
• Bane Theresa Encyclopedia - Demon Encyclopedia
• Encyclopedia of Vampire Myths - Vampire Encyclopedia
• Encyclopedia of the Undead - Undead Encyclopedia
• BlackDrago - Dragon Encyclopedia
• Encyclopedia Of Fairies - Fairy Encyclopedia
• LeftHandPath - Luciferianism
• mr.taco9's library - Occult / Luciferianism
• The Law of One - The Law of One Sessions
• Esoteric Archive - Esoterica
• /r/alexandria - Esoteric / Occult
• Masonic Library - Esoterica / Freemasonry
• Golden Dawn - Alchemy / Esoterica
• Darkbooks - Occult

• Astrum Argenteum - Occult
• Occult and Magick Guides - Occult
• Azrk's library - Occult / Esoterica / Satanism / Religion / Ect.
• Rosicrucian Esotericism Lecture - Rosicrucian Esotericism
• Spirituality Megadrive
• IAPSOP - Spiritualist / Occult Periodicals
• Beyond Weird - Witchcraft / Conspiracies
• Archive - Conspiracy / Occult / Metaphysics
• Dhushara Research - Metaphysics / Conspiracies / Psychedelics
• CraftStuff - Witchcraft
• Witchcraft Library - Witchcraft / Paganism
• Public Witchcraft Library - Witchcraft / Paganism / Satanism
• SpellsOfMagic - Witchcraft / Magic
• Alchemy Drive - Alchemy
• Hellenistic Theism Drive - Hellenistic Theism
• The Theosophical Society - Theosophy
• Grimoire Drive - Grimoires
• Early Christian Writings - Christianity / Gnosticism
• HolyBooks - Religious Texts
• Sounding Spirit - Religious Songbooks
• The Dead Sea Scrolls - Dead Sea Scrolls Archive
• DigiVatLib - Digital Vatican Library
• BibleGateway or - Christian Bible
• eSword - Christian Bible Desktop App
• BibleTheLife - Christian Bible / Android
• Bible - Christian Bible / iOS
• Classics Ethereal Library - Christianity
• TheBrickBible - The Bible Recreated with Lego
• BibleEmoji - Convert Bible Verses to Emojis
• Hidden Bible - Enoch Translation
• GodAlone or Quran / 2 - Quran Translation
• TheIslam360 - Islamic Research App
• English Torah - Torah Translation
• Halakhah - Talmud Translation
• Targum - Targum Translation
• Muslim Scholars - Muslim Scholar Database
• 2Muslims or IslamHouse - Muslim Resources
• Five Prayers - Muslim Tools App
• Questions on Islam - Muslim Q&A
• - Hadith Translation
• 84000 - Buddhism
• BuddhaNet - Buddhism
• dazangthings - Buddhist Text Analysis Repository
• Encyclopedia Of Buddhism - Buddhist Encyclopedia
• Buddhism Dictionary - Buddhist Dictionary
• Sankaracharya - Hinduism
• Vedanta Shastras - Hinduism
• Encyclopedia Of Hinduism - Hinduism Encyclopedia
• Jainism Library of Jain Literature - Sacred Texts / Religion / Multi Language
• Vedabase - Bhaktivedanta Swami / Books / Transcripts / Letters

Reference Sites

o Wikipedia or WikiFox - Encyclopedia
o Wikipedia Tools - Improved UI, 2 / Top Pages / Deleted Pages / Page Connections /

Galaxy View / Read Only / Extract Text / Shorten URLs
o Merriam-Webster - Dictionary / Thesaurus
o UrbanDictionary, Lingo2Word or Slangit - Slang Word / Phrase Dictionaries
o OneLook - Multi Dictionary Search
o Dictionary Index
o Wolfram Alpha - Searchable Knowledgebase / API Access
o - Phrase Dictionary
o NinjaWords - Dictionary
o Wordnik - Dictionary
o OxfordLearnersDictionaries - Dictionary
o Lexico - Dictionary
o Cambridge Dictionary - Dictionary
o LDOCE - Dictionary
o Wiktionary - Dictionary
o Lexicool - Dictionary
o Vocabulary - Dictionary
o WordSense - Dictionary
o MacmillanDictionary - Dictionary
o Spellorg - Dictionary / Spell Check
o dict - Dictionary CLI
o Webopedia or TechTerms - Tech Dictionary
o Why The Fluff - Common Jargon Dictionary
o EtymOnline - Etymologies
o Fandom - Fan Wikis
o LexiLogos - Multi Language Dictionary Index
o Everpidia - Encyclopedia
o EverybodyWiki - Encyclopedia
o Britannica - Encyclopedia
o Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia
o - Encyclopedia
o InfoPlease - Encyclopedia
o Refdesk - Encyclopedias
o Abbreviations - Abbreviations
o AcronymFinder - Abbreviations / Acronyms
o Chat Words Dictionary - Chat Abbreviations
o lengusa or - Sentence Search
o Dictionary - Dictionary / Thesaurus
o VisualThesaurus - Thesaurus
o DescribingWords or Lose The Very - Adjectives
o Thsrs - Synonyms
o - Synonyms
o Feeels - Emotion Synonym Chart
o WikiDiff - Difference Between Any Words
o ReverseDictionary or OneLook Reverse - Search for Words Using Their Meanings
o DoesNotTranslate - Words with No Translation

o Tip of my Tounge - Find Words you Can't Remember
o Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Philosophy Encyclopedia / Search
o Focal - Irish Word Dictionary
o TheIdioms - Idiom Dictionary
o Lexipedia or WordWeb - Word Connections
o RhymeZones, Rhymer or RhymeIt - Rhyme Dictionary
o The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows - Dictionary of Sorrows
o TheDevilsDictionary - Cynical Dictionary
o TagDef - Social Media Tag Dictionary
o KnowYourMeme - Meme Database
o Forvo or HowJSay - Pronunciation Dictionary
o OEIS - Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
o Time Traveler - See when a word was first used in print
o Omniglot - Writing Systems & Languages Encyclopedia
o swear-words or WordSafety - Swear Word Indexes
o WordReference, Glosbe or Reverso - Translation Dictionary
o SpanishDict - Spanish Translation Dictionary
o ASL Dictionary or HandSpeak - American Sign Language
o BSL Dictionary - British Sign Language
o FreeMdict - Dictionary Downloads / Forum / Archive
o Goldendict - Dictionary Program
o wikipedia_ql - Wiki Data Extraction

Jeff C. Palmer is a teacher, success coach, trainer, Certified Master of Web
Copywriting and founder of Jeff is a prolific writer,
Senior Research Associate and Infopreneur having written many eBooks, articles
and special reports.



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