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Business management

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Business management: Subject-specific guidance

See also: Extended essay guide and Extended essay teacher support material


An extended essay (EE) in business management gives students an opportunity to carry out in-depth
research in an area of personal interest relating to business management.

The EE gives students an opportunity to develop research skills by:

• reviewing business theories, concepts and principles
• critically analysing their use and application in the business world and their resultant impact on

business activity.

The EE requires the application of business management theories, tools and techniques to produce a
coherent and structured analytical essay that effectively addresses the research question.

Choice of topic

Students can choose a topic they have encountered during their Diploma Programme business
management course. However, they may also choose to investigate issues that fall outside its scope. For

• business practices in a specific regional or national context, or
• the practical applications of the work of a particular business management theorist.

Whatever area they choose, students must root their research firmly in accepted business management
theories and use the core principles of business management as the basis for their research.

Students arestronglyadvised to choose a topic that enables themto carry out research and apply
business management theories and techniques in a real-world setting. This setting may be an
organization, industry or market in a particular region or country, or globally.

Sources of ideas may include:

• an interest in issues raised in the classroom
• aspects of a student’s own experience
• current events.

Research questions that do not allow a systematic and meaningful investigation using business
management theories, concepts and principles are unlikely to be suitable.

Backward versus forward-lookingquestions

Students can choose to investigate past event(s). However, they must ensure that their question will
enable them to analyse and evaluate rather than simply describe what happened.

A forward-looking question can enable students to search for conflicting sources to arrive at a well-
supported argument and conclusion. But the topic should not be so forward-looking that information and
results are not yet available: hypothetical questions based on future events are to be avoided.

Examples of topics

Theseexamplesareforguidanceonly.Studentsmustensurethattheirchoiceof topicisfocused(left-
hand column) rather than broad (right-hand column).

Focused topics Broad topics
Relevance of lean production for NGOs
Application of lean production principles to the
NGO ABC The link between ethical objectives and
organizational size
Relevance of ethical objectives for very small and Motivational techniques at XYZ Ltd
very large companies in Canada
Effectiveness of Just-in-Time production
Useof Herzberg’smotivationtheoryin techniques
productivity improvement at XYZ Ltd

The contribution of Just-in-Time production in
improving efficiency in the textile industry in

Treatment of the topic

Students’ research should be broad and detailed, using a range of sources. Excessive reliance on a single
source,such as acompany’s annual report, is unlikely to givestudents sufficientscopeorbreadth in their

Students can include materials sourced from a particular business or organization whose area of business
is related to the topic chosen, eg market research companies, industry analysts or think tanks.

Secondary sources

Students should use secondary data as the basis of their EE, supported where appropriate by primary
research. The sole use of secondary sources is permitted and will allow students access to all levels of the
EE assessment criteria.

(Note that this is similar to the research approach of the SL internal assessment task of the business
management course and different to the research approach of the HL internal assessment task, where
primary research takes precedence.)

A good range of secondary sources should be consulted, including:

• business management textbooks
• general business management books
• industry analyses
• company reports anddata.

Primary research

Students must plan any primary research well so that it yields genuinely additional and significant

Students and supervisors are required to:

• act with tact and sensitivity towards the research subjects
• respect the confidentiality of the organization(s) and people involved.

Alltheresearchcarriedoutmustaddresstheresearchquestion.Similarly,thedevelopment of theessay
must be related to the research question directly and consistently and must not include information that
is unnecessary.

Use of analytical tools and numerical data

A good essay will demonstrate the appropriate use of analytical tools, often supported by numerical data
to assist the discussion and evaluation.

Appropriate analytical tools from the business management syllabus include the following.

• Ansoff Matrix
• BCG Matrix
• Break-even analysis
• Decision tree
• Financial statements and ratio analysis
• Fishbone diagram
• Force field analysis
• Position maps
• Stakeholders analysis
• STEEPLE analysis
• SWOT analysis

Students may also use analytical tools that are not included in the syllabus.

Conceptual perspectives

Strategic and conceptual perspectives on the research question can add to the interest and rigour of the
essay, for example:

• the effect of new technologies on organizational innovation
• the cultural and ethical implications of business decisions.

Analysing the data

Use of theory

Students should integrate relevant business management theories, tools and techniques with the
evidence obtained by the research throughout the essay.

Students should not present theory as a separate section. An essay that delivers theory as a separate
section of the essay and does not apply it to the specific research question is unlikely to succeed.

Students should avoid making assertions using business management theories and techniques if they
cannot meaningfully link these to their case study with supporting evidence.

Critical thinking

Students must ask probing questions and look at all relevant factors when considering the information
obtained from their research. Information cannot always be accepted at face value.

A critical approach, in which students display the skills of analysis and evaluation, is essential.

Students should indicate unresolved questions, or new questions that have arisen from their study, in
their conclusions.

Students should remember that a business management essay must be written in an objective
style without personal bias. Conclusionsshould be derived fromthe evidence and not based on any
preconceptions of thestudent.

Examples of topics, research questions and suggested

Once students have identified their topic and written their research question, they can decide how to
research their answer. They may find it helpful to write a statement outlining their broad approach. These
examples are for guidance only.

Topic An evaluation oftheintroduction oftotal
Research question quality management in ABC Ltd

Approach To what extent has the introduction of total
quality management (TQM) improved quality at
ABC Ltd?

• A literature review of how quality management
techniques have changed with the introduction
of TQM, both generally and specifically in the
industry of ABC Ltd.

• Selection of relevant indicators measuring
quality and collection of the corresponding data
for ABC Ltd.

• Analysis and evaluation of the ways in which
ABC Ltd has adapted its approach to managing
quality, and the impact of this on the selected

Topic An evaluation of the case for strengthening
Research question social responsibility practices at multinational
Approach XYZ

Topic Should multinational XYZ strengthen its corporate
Research question social responsibility practices in the aftermath of
Approach scandal X?

151 • A review of how various local and international
media reported on the reasons for and events
around scandal X at multinational XYZ.

• Analysis of the social responsibility practices at
multinational XYZ preceding scandal X, with a
particular emphasis on practices and indicators
relevant to scandal X.

• ApplicationofSWOTanalysistothesepractices.
• Identification of potential ways of strengthening

social responsibility practices from industry
• ApplicationofSWOTanalysistothesepractices.
• Evaluation, fromdifferent stakeholder groups’
perspectives, on whether multinational XYZ
should strengthen its social responsibility
practices in suggested ways or leave them as is.

Measuring the success of joint ventures: a
comparative casestudy

How successful has the joint venture between
ABCLtdand XYZLtd beenas agrowthstrategyfor
both companies?

• A literature review of the theoretical benefits
and drawbacks of joint ventures.

• A review on the reporting around the joint
venture at the time it happened: what were the
reasons given by the companies for the joint
venture and how did industry analysts assess
the case?

• Anexaminationof thefinancialresultsof ABC
Ltd and XYC Ltd prior to and after the joint
venture,andcomparisonof theseresultswith
industry benchmarks.

• Analysis and evaluation of the qualitative and
longer term benefits and drawbacks of the joint

venture since the joint venture, in comparison
with benchmarks in the industry.

An important note on “double-dipping”

Students must ensure that their EE does not duplicate any other work they are submitting for the Diploma
Programme. In particular, the EE must not be an extension of the internal assessment task. Students must
ensure that they understand the differences between the two.
• The HL IA task—a research project—must be based on primary research (eg interviews or

questionnaires), whereas the EE must be based on secondary research (eg academic journal articles or
specialized publications).
• The HL IA task is a practical and highly structured piece of investigation leading to practicalproposals
foractionforcompany management, whereas theEEis ascholarlypiece of investigationthat doesnot
result in the formulation of recommendations.
• The SL IA task—a written commentary—must be based on secondary research, like the EE, but for
theSLIAtask,onlythreetofivesupportingdocuments arerequired,whereasfortheEE,thereisan
expectation of attempting a more academic, broader and in-depth investigation.

Supervisors playan important roleherein guiding students on thesedistinctions. Students risk
their diploma if academic misconduct is found.

Interpreting the EE assessment criteria
Criterion A: Focus and method

(Strands: Topic, Research question, Methodology)

The EE title must be stated in the form of a question that promotes the application of the higher order
skills of analysis, evaluation and synthesis, rather than encouraging a descriptive essay.

The research question must be specific and sharplyfocusedon a businessproblemorissue worthyof
investigation. It should require the use of business management theories, tools and techniques. Topics
that consider generic or broad issues will restrict the possibility of effective treatment within the word
limit and will constrain performance on this criterion.
Students must use secondary resources in the first instance. Students should employ high-level
academicresearchandwritingskills,andshowthatthestudentiscapableof intellectual discoveryand
creativity .
The essay should be based on a comprehensive review of the literature on the topic selected. It must not
end up as a practical investigation resembling a higher level internal assessment.

Any essay based heavily on questionnaires and/or interviews will inevitably lose marks on a range of


If primaryresearchisconducteditmustprovideinformationthatisnotaccessiblefromsecondarysources
or that significantly enhances the value of the secondary data presented.

All research conducted, whether primary or secondary, should support specific quantitative and
qualitative analysis and evaluation directly related to the research question.

Students must demonstrate that theiressayhas been well planned and that theyhave designed an
appropriate and coherent approach and structure to address the research question.

Criterion B: Knowledge and understanding

(Strands: Context, Subject-specific terminology and concepts)

The sources collected by the student should be relevant to the research question and applied
appropriately, so that an argument can be formed and a conclusion(s) reached. The student should use
the sources to place their topic into a wider business context.

For example, if the focus of the essay is on the role of social media, the student should be able to explain
the impact the social media has on a number of business functions, such as marketing and recruitment.

The student must demonstrate that they have a good grasp of business terminology and that they can
usethisfluently,accurately andconsistently whendeveloping linesof argument. They may needto clarify
terms or provide further explanation or definition of selected terms or concepts.

Criterion C: Critical thinking

(Strands: Research, Analysis and Discussion and evaluation)

Throughout the essay, the student is expected to present and analyse business data and sources and
to evaluate the insights and significance of these for addressing the research question. To score highly
against this criterion, the student needs to demonstrate a sophisticated application of analytical and
evaluative skills.

An integrated use of research and business theories, tools and techniques is required to develop
an argument and to assess thestrengths and limitations of various perspectives on the topicunder
investigation. Essays that are wholly or largely descriptive in nature will score poorly against this criterion.

The student should develop a reasoned, coherent and logical argument in response to the research
question. Where appropriate, conclusions to points should be made throughout, and there must be at
least one culminating conclusion that summarizes the student’s response to the research question. Any
judgments made should be consistent with the argument presented and supported by evidence.

The student should comment on the quality, balance and quantity of the sources and reflect on any bias
or limitations that may weaken the strength or affect the objectivity of supporting materials.

The student should point out any limitations or unresolved issues in the research and suggest further
action to address these.


Criterion D: Presentation

(Strands: Structure, Layout)

This criterion relates to the extent to which the essayconforms to accepted academic standards in relation
to how research papers should be presented. It also relates to how well these elements support the
reading, understanding and evaluation of the essay.

Students may provide a section and sub-section structure to their essays, with appropriate informative
headings.sub-headings shouldnotdistractfromtheoverallstructureof theessayorargumentpresented.

Any graphs, charts, images or tables from literature sources included in essays must be carefully selected
and labelled. They should only be used if they are directly relevant to the research question, contribute
towards the understanding of the argument and are of a good graphic quality. Large tables of raw data
collected by the student are best included in an appendix, where they should be carefully labelled.

Too manygraphs,chartsand tablesdetractfromtheoverall qualityof thecommunication. Onlyprocessed
data that is central to the argument of the essay should be included in the body of the essay, as close as
possible to itsfirst reference. Anytables should enhance a written explanation and should not themselves
include significant bodies of text; if this is the case then these words will be included in the word count.

Students must take care in theiruse of appendices as examiners arenot required to read them. All
information with direct relevance to the analysis, discussion and evaluation of the essay must be
contained in the main body of the essay.

Any material that is not original must be carefully acknowledged, with specific attention paid to the
acknowledgment and referencing of quotes and ideas. This acknowledgment and referencing is
applicable to audio-visual material, text, graphs and data published in print and electronic sources. If
the referencing does not meet the minimum standard as indicated in the guide (name of author, date of
publication, title of source and page numbers, as applicable), and is not consistently applied, work will be
considered as a case of possible academic misconduct.

A bibliographyis essential and has to be presented in a standard format. Title page, table of contents,
page numbers, etc must contribute to the quality of presentation.

The essay must not exceed 4,000 words of narrative. Graphs, figures, calculations and diagrams are not
included in the word count. Students should be aware that examiners will not read beyond the 4,000
word limit, nor assess any material presented thereafter.

Criterion E: Engagement

(Strands: Process, Research focus)

This criterion is applied by the examiner at the end of the assessment of the essay, after considering the
student’sReflectionsonplanningandprogressForm (RPPF).Itassessestheoverall impression theexaminer
has with regard to the student’s engagement with the research process and their subject area.


Students areexpected to provide reflections on the decision-making and planning process undertaken
in completing the essay. Students must demonstrate how they arrived at a topic as well as the methods
and approach used. This criterion assesses the extent to which a student has evidenced the rationale for
decisions made throughout the planning process and the skills and understandings developed.
For example, students may reflect on:
• the approach and strategies chosen, and their relative success
• the Approaches to learning skills they have acquired and how they have developed as a learner
• howtheirconceptual understandingshavedevelopedorchangedasaresultof theirresearch
• setbacks faced in their research and how they overcame these
• questions that emerged as a result of their research
• what they would do differently if they were to undertake the research again.
Effective reflection highlights the journey the student has engaged in through the EE process. In order to
demonstrate that engagement, students must show evidence of critical and reflective thinking that goes
beyondsimplydescribingtheproceduresthathavebeenfollowed.Reflections mustprovidetheexaminer
with an insight into student thinking, creativity and originality within the research process. The student
voice must be clearly present and demonstrate the learning that has taken place.


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