5 Digital Marketing Trends in 2021 - Agency Down Under - PDF Flipbook

5 Digital Marketing Trends in 2021 - Agency Down Under

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2020 was a tough year for everyone, but as we start to see the light at the end of the
pandemic, what are some trends in 2021 that will help you grow your business.

Video Marketing
Video marketing is one of, if not the, most important marketing trends today, and it likely will
continue to grow in the foreseeable future. Making videos is much more than YouTube,
videos drive higher engagements and there are many different ways to create a video. It
could range from an hour-long infomercial to a trendy TikTok dance that lasts twenty
seconds. Linking your brand to social trends allows you to become more discoverable and it
gives you a personality that allows the customer to connect with you.

Digital business is here to stay
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that a lot of business meetings could have been
virtual this entire time. Even with the restrictions lifted and businesses opening up and able
to return to their office, some businesses are choosing to move forward with a more virtual
approach, but this also allows you to focus more on growing your audience beyond the
perimeters of your office space and local area.

Also virtual meet-ups and conventions were something never before seen and were created
because of the pandemic. Virtual concerts and other experiences were a huge success
during the height of the pandemic. This is a great way to grow your business and interact
with people and potential clients who would not have found you in person because they do
not live in the same market. Being active on social media is crucial, in order to interact with
your audience and gage what they want out of an experience and more engaged users
means more potential customers.

Social Media Shopping
In the past, social media was a great place to advertise your product and drive customers to
your website to purchase a product, but it has become much more streamlined. Facebook
has made it easier for their users to discover and purchase products all within their app. For
the last decade social media has continued to grow and sink their teeth into different
marketplaces and now they have a firm grasp in the retail market. Brands are going to have
to adjust, if you are not purchasable through Facebook, Instagram, or other social media
channels who are implementing this strategy, customers are not going to be willing to go the
extra step and go to you to purchase the item you have to come to them.

Social Messaging Apps
These apps are much more than a place to send emojis to your friends; it's a place with
over 1.3 billion monthly users on Facebook Messenger. WhatsApp also has 1.6 billion users
and 55 billion messages sent every day. Social messaging apps can be very useful when it
comes to sending messages to customers directly and personalizing the user experience.

This is a perfect way to be helpful and answer any questions to existing customers and
regain or attract potential customers.

Smart Speakers & Voice Search
Smart speakers are becoming more important to companies because of their voice search
feature and this allows customers to search and purchase through audio content, just
another digital market for companies to grow. Smart speaker sales are expected to grow
to where 55% of all American homes will own a smart speaker, and 72% of people who are
able to, use voice activated speakers as a part of their daily routine. Creating a voice search
strategy isn't just important to just stay relevant in a growing market, but also a way to
enhance the customer experience that will create a relationship and brand loyalty. Some
examples of voice search content: answer a question, fulfill and order, instruct the customer
how to use a product, and much more.

There are so many different methods and media that a company can choose from.
Technology and marketing is a fast moving industry and the latest trends can change in an
instant. Ultimately, being able to have a connection with your audience keep your finger on
the pulse of social media.

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