2016 Luck S.D. Winter Spring Newsletter - PDF Flipbook

Luck School District 2016 Winter-Spring Newsletter covers January-May school / community calendar, Community Education c

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T Che ardinal Communicator

Luck School District Newsletter

Winter ~ Spring 2016

Luck School prepares
lifelong learners and
responsible citizens.

Save this issue for January - June:

School Calendar Sports Schedules

Community Ed. Classes Area Events

Welcome! An investment in knowledge
pays the best interest.
This district newsletter highlights events
and news to keep parents, students, and Benjamin Franklin ~ author, politician, scientist, inventor, diplomat
residents in the loop. In addition to this,
check out the school website, Facebook, No matter our age, we should be diligent to
and the outdoor digital sign for updates. learning something new daily. Whether it’s
The Skylert one-call system is valuable creative or technical, physical or mental,
in reaching the most people in a timely keeping our brains (and bodies) active is a
manner. If you have a student attending definite “plus” to enjoying a fulfilling life.
Luck School, it’s important the family Browse the classes on pages 7-10, and check
emergency contact form is up-to-date the school website when more trips and
in the office. Print and return the classes are added. Whether you want to be
completed form to the appropriate challenged, uplifted, expand your comfort
office. The Elementary and MS/HS forms zone, or develop relationships, I believe we
are on the school website on the home can find a continuing education experience for
page under “School Policies & Forms”. you! And consider teaching a class; it’ll benefit
your pocketbook and our community’s value.
Mrs. Amy Aguado

Community Education Director

2016 School & Community Calendar

January 4 Classes Resume

15 Luck Graduate Continuing Ed. Scholarship Fundraiser / 5:00-7:00 pm

21 End of First Semester

22 Teacher In-service / No School

25 Semester 2 / Quarter 3 Begins

February 2 MS Solo & Ensemble / 4:00-8:00 pm

6 Luck Ice Fishing Contest on Bone Lake / 8:00 am-3:00 pm

12-14 Luck Winter Carnival Weekend / Pageant on Friday @ 7:00 pm
19 Luck Teachers’ Pancake Supper Scholarship Fundraiser / 4:30-7:00 pm

22 Speech & Forensics Subdistrict Competition / 3:45-7:30 pm

26 Teacher In-service / No School

29 Parent-Teacher Conferences / 12:00-4:30 pm & 5:00-8:00 pm

March 7 National Honor Society (NHS) Induction Ceremony / 5:45 pm

23 Teacher In-service / No School

24-28 Easter / Spring Break

31 End of Quarter 3
April 1 & 2 HS Drama “The Spring Show” / 7:30 pm

5 HS Solo & Ensemble / 8:00 am-4:00 pm

9 Luck Ambulance Smelt Fry / 3:30-7:00 pm

15 Teacher In-service / No School

15-16 Forensics State Competition

16 Woodland Chorale performance / Frederic HS / 7:30 pm

21 Grades 4-6 Concert / 7:00 pm

30 Junior Prom and Post-Prom Party

May 6 State Solo & Ensemble @ Eau Claire / 8:00 am-4:00 pm

14 American Cancer Society (ACS) Walk-Run / 8:00 am registration

16 HS Spring Concert & Art Show / 7:30 pm

18 Senior Awards Program / 7:00 pm

22 Graduation Ceremony / 1:30 pm
26 7-8th Grades Concert & 8th Grade Promotion / 7:30 pm

27 Teacher In-service / No School

30 Memorial Day / No School / Program @ Luck School / 10:30 am

2 June 3 Last Day of School / Full Day

Parent and Visitor Morning Safety for Students
School Check-In / Out
Butternut Avenue is closed to traffic between
Reminder: all persons entering the building 7th and 8th Streets every school day from 7:30-
during school hours MUST use the security 8:00 am to allow additional safety for students.
buzz-in system at the west entrance. Check Only busses are allowed; all parental drop off of
into the high school office for a visitor’s badge students should happen only on 7th Street west of
and sign out and return the badge. Our goal theschool. Please use the turn-around by the bus
is to maintain a safe environment for our garage if needed. Check our website for a
students and staff. Thanks for cooperating! link to a map showing the designated area.

Skyward Family Access

Parents and authorized family members can view attendance records, schedules, food service
info and balances, progress reports, and final grades online with Skyward Family Access.
Get the form on the website, www.lucksd.k12.wi.us, click on ‘School Policies & Forms’, then
‘Skyward Family Access’, and the underlined form. Please print and return the form to either
school office. This form needs to be completed only once per family.

Luck School Staff Addresses Technology Improvements

It has been about a decade of change within our district in regards to

technology advancements. Some changes have come and gone but the overall change has moved
us forward in providing our student body with many of the technology skills they will need for
their future education and occupations. As a staff we’ve been provided the opportunity to
continually embrace new technology with the tools necessary. Updated computers and process-
ors to make our task as an educator more productive, teaching tools which includes inter-active
white boards to Promethean boards, software to meet the needs of the classroom, and one-to-
one student computers (most recently changes to using chrome technology for our 8-12 student
body). There have been multiple opportunities for staff members to obtain additional training to
improve skills and learn about the new programs that can enhance the learning environment.

Where it all began for me (as a senior member of our staff) was when I inquired to putting a pro-
jector mounted on my classroom ceiling and attached to my computer so that I could project math
and science aids onto my whiteboard. This seems archaic, but very innovative as interactive boards
were becoming a possibility. It was this drive to embrace technology that has allowed me to accept
this as a tool to enhance more than to distract the education process in Luck School District. Our
district made it possible for me to try new technologies to see if they are an asset to our district,
and so many training opportunities (too many to count) which made it possible for me to provide
tech training for our staff. This is all would not be possible without a great IT (information

technology) person keeping it all together. Mr. Arjes keeps the system running so
students and staff can use the technology, which we are so blessed to have, to its
greatest potential. Are we done with our technology acquisitions? I’d hope not as it’s
always changing and as technology changes so does the needs of our students as we

provide them with tools to make them successful in their future. Mr. Dean Roush

Math 7 & 8 and Physics Teacher

Utilizing free resources that benefit our students like Google Apps for

education makes my job easier to manage Luck School’s K-12 needs. The well-known core
services like Gmail, Calendar, and Docs allow teachers to easily create, post, and
share assignments and materials with students and other staff. Chromebooks have
been phased in; they are less expensive, faster to boot up, and less susceptible to
viruses. Web filters are in place on the school-issued electronics, no matter their

location we’re able to track them and their activity, if needed. Mr. Aaron Arjes

Information Technology (IT) Director

Technology is alive and well at Luck School. We are very proud of how we

have grown in this field. At Luck Elementary School we now have an interactive white board
(Promethean Board) in every classroom. Both our Language Arts and Math materials are set up
to interface with these boards. Each teacher has an I-Pad with apps for students to use during
center time, our curriculum has expanded to include keyboarding instruction starting in second

grade by our HS Business teacher, three Chromebook carts are checked out to teach-
ers to give us the capability of one-to-one devices for our students, and of course we
have at least two stand-alone computers in each room designated for either teacher
or student use. We will continue to move and grow in the area of technology

and integrating it into our students’ lives each day. Mrs. Ann Goldbach 3
Elementary Principal

Luck Graduate Education Ice Fishing Contest
Scholarship Fundraiser
On Saturday, Feb. 6 the Luck Football team
Mark your calendar on Friday, Jan. 15 for the and Luck Ice Fishing team are sponsoring the
annual scholarship fundraiser for Luck School annual ice fishing contest from 8:00 am-3:00
graduates. It will include a delicious meal from pm on Bone Lake. Drawings, weigh-ins and
5:00-7:00 pm and a raffle drawing in conjunct- concessions will be at the North Landing of
tion with the Luck-Frederic doubleheader the lake. Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25
basketball games. Larsen Auto Centers has and can be purchased either from a current
been a steadfast supporter of Luck School by football player or on the ice. There are cash
sponsoring the lasagna meal. The raffle prizes prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for game fish
showcase the local talent and generosity of and pan fish. There’s also a traveling trophy
many people who support the continuing and individual prizes for the High School
education of our graduates. Team Contest. Check out all the details and
regulations on the Luck School website.
Established in 1998, all proceeds from the Contact Mr. Don Kendzior at 715-472-2152
lasagna supper and the raffle go to the Luck
Community Graduate Fund, which plans ext 164 for any questions or additional info.
to award $200 to each Luck graduate for
continuing education expenses. Graduates Luck Winter Carnival
have three years to request this scholarship,
which is handy since not every graduate goes The 57th Luck Winter Carnival will be
on to college, tech school, or trade school Feb. 11-14. Come to Luck School for the
immediately following high school. Grads who Friday night pageant where several young
ladies will compete for the title of Luck
serve in the military have an extra three Winter Carnival Queen. Saturday has many
years to request their scholarship activities around town including a pancake
following their discharge date. breakfast, Bingo, book sales, medallion hunt,
basketball tournament, snowmobile radar
If you’d like to give additional run, and torchlight parade, among other
support to the Luck School grad- activities. On Sunday the annual ice fishing
uates, or would like raffle tickets, please contest will be on Big Butternut Lake. Look
contact Luck CEd at 715-472-2152ext. 103. for posters around town for more events and
times or go to www.luckwisconsin.com.
A note from our Support the Luck Winter Carnival by
Elementary Principal purchasing a Winter Carnival button from
queen candidates. These buttons are good
On a personal note… This will be my last for door prize drawings during Bingo at the
official letter to all of you at I am retiring at Luck Lions (DBS) Hall. If you have questions or
the end of this school year. My time in Luck can help with a portion of this weekend,
has been memorable. I cannot believe it has please contact Mrs. Amy Dueholm at
been seven years since I continued my career [email protected].
here! I have so enjoyed spending time with
your children each and every day. The wonder Lions to Serve Breakfast
of watching young children learn and grow is
something I will miss. As a school principal, Enjoy a meal served by the Lions with
I always strive to make decisions based on pancakes (special recipe!), eggs, ham, and
what’s best for students in my school. I never sausage! On Saturday, Feb. 13, the Winter
wanted to lose that important focus. The Carnival Breakfast is from 7:00-11:00 am in
children are what this career is all about. the school cafeteria. All freewill donations
support the work of our local Lions Club.
I want to thank you for welcoming me into
Luck Teachers Education
your community and for supporting your Scholarship Fundraiser

children in their most important journey in The annual Pancake Supper will be held on
Friday, Feb. 19 from 4:30-7:00 pm in the Luck
life and that is their education. It is priceless! School Cafeteria. The Luck Education Assoc-
iation uses the money raised to fund scholar-
Your children have the privilege of being a ships for Luck students. Bring your family and
come hungry to eat all the pancakes you like
part of a great district with a caring staff. As
along with sausages,
a parent, grandmother, and educator I offer strawberries, real maple
syrup, milk, and coffee. Adult
you a piece of advice; please remember to tickets are $5, K-6th grade
students are $3, and pre-
always be a part of your child’s life at school. school age children are free.

You are an integral part of his/her education

as you were his/her first teacher. I will miss all

of you, this community, and the Luck School

District. My very best to all of you!

4 Mrs. Ann Goldbach

Luck Elementary Principal

Luck Scholarships Nominate a Teacher for
“Lucky” Scholarship
The Local Scholarship Program has a variety
of scholarships from local families, businesses In partnership with the Luck Country Inn, the
and organizations. Some are specific to Luck School District is pleased to announce
certain careers, while others are open to any the “Lucky to Have You!” recognition program
student planning to attend post secondary for a second year. The Luck Country Inn has
schooling. Selections are based on GPA, graciously donated funds to recognize an
Attendance, Community Service, Extra outstanding Luck School educator, with the
Curricular Involvement, etc. Last year there intention that the $500 scholarship will be
was over $50,000 worth of scholarships awarded annually. Students in elementary
recognized at the Senior Awards Night. The and high school, parents, and school district
Luck community is so giving to our students; residents are all able to nominate teachers.
we are so thankful for their support!
If you’re interested in sponsoring a scholar- Luck School is fortunate to employ many
ship for Luck School graduates, contact Mrs. teachers who are exemplary educators, and
Rachel Berg at 715-472-2152 ext. 115. the $500 scholarship is a tangible and timely
reward for teachers who go beyond their
Luck Alumni Updates duties and invest their personal time and
money to benefit their students. Last spring’s
The Luck Alumni Foundation raises recipient was Mrs. Carolyn Peterson, 6th
funds and awards scholarships to grade teacher.
graduates. The Foundation and CEd
work together to keep the mailing The continuation of this scholarship is a
list of all Luck graduates up-to-date. catalyst in our community to acknowledge
Thisinfo is vital when classes organize their our outstanding K-12 educators. Luck School
reunions. Can you help? Please mail District welcomes additional donors to step
(P.O. Box 251, Luck, WI 54853), email forward to create an additional $500
([email protected]), or scholarship to award this spring, whether it’s
drop off your class contact lists to help funded by one person or multiple people.
update the master >[email protected].

Local Coupon Fundraiser Join the Community Club!

Luck School is proud to partner with a local Luck Community Club is an organization
business, and offer Enjoy Local Coupons committed to the effort of making Luck fun,
books. The books are good for a year, and are beautiful, resourceful, and marketable. Every-
$25. We will earn 70% profits from the sale of one living in the school district is encouraged
these huge coupon books. Books are to join and get involved! The club organizes
available throughout the year at Luck School the Lucky Days Weekend and the Holiday
and area businesses. Locations are listed at Experience, facilitates Luck Bucks and annual
www.enjoylocalcoupons.com. The book has scholarships, orders and maintains the
businesses from St. Croix to Danbury and business-sponsored flower baskets on Main
over to Grantsburg. This is a great way for our Street, decorates Main St. and the Triangle
school to work with our community and area Park gazebo for Christmas, and financially
businesses and support each other! supports the www.luckwisconsin.com
website. The club meets monthly on the
NHS Induction second Monday at 5:30 pm. For more info:
[email protected].
The Luck Chapter of the National Honor
Society will install new members on Monday, Luck Library
March 7. Membership in the NHS is one of & Museum
the highest honors that can be awarded to a
high school student. Students are selected The Library and Historical
based on the Society's goals of scholarship, Museum are each a hub for
leadership, service, and character. Guided by area activities. Stop in or
NHS advisor Mrs. Renee Gavinski, members call for more info about the
are very active in our school and community, Third Act group, Book Club,
helping coordinate the Backpack Food knitting, beading, Play and Learn parent/
Program for grades K-6 and Lucky Loops. child group, game and movie nights, guest
speakers, genealogy research, and more!
Luck Ambulance Smelt Fry Contact the Museum at 715-472-2030 or
the Library at 715-472-2770 and online at
Support the Luck Municipal Ambulance at the www.luckpubliclibrary.org.
annual smelt fry at the Luck Fire Department
on Saturday, April 9 from 3:30-7:00 pm. The Elementary Book Nook
auction will follow at 7:30 pm. Cost is $8 for
adults and $4 for children ages 10 and This ongoing program for K-6 students to
younger. Funds raised benefit our local read and reuse books has been ‘open for
ambulance service. business’ for two years… to the tune of over
1,500 books! Title 1 Coordinator Mrs. Janet
ACS Walk / Run ~ May 14 Brandt and parent volunteers collect,
organize, and keep the Nook stocked. Please
The annual American Cancer Society Finish Line donate your child’s “outgrown” books
Walk-Run is a well-supported community event; anytime during the year. Our young readers
watch for details and get involved! The fund- love to choose and take one home to enjoy.
raiser is Saturday, May 14 at Luck School. Regis-
tration begins at 8:00 am with the opening School Harvest Garden
ceremony at 9:00 am. Interested in volunteer-
ing and/or serving on the committee? Contact Parents, community members, and students
Sandy Lundquist at 715-566-0420 for more info. are encouraged to get involved for the sixth
Registration info is also at the Luck Museum. season in our school’s garden. There’s always
something to learn and do, including planning
Clip-and-Earn for School! meetings in March and April, planting seeds
in K-6 classrooms, transplanting, and weed-
Are you a “clipper”? We hope so, because ing, mulching, and watering during the
each time you submit Box Tops for Education, summer. Coordinated by principal Mrs. Ann
Labels for Education, or Moola for Milk labels Goldbach, this program incorporates math,
and caps, you help raise funds for various reading, and healthy eating. Volunteers
school programs. Spread the word to make this project grow; please contact
relatives, friends, and neighbors to help, too! Mrs. Goldbach at 715-472-2152 ext. 109 or
Send them to school with your child, or drop [email protected] to learn how to help.
them off at the HS office.
Walking at Luck School
Our school Math Department will also gladly
take your used inkjet and laser cartridges. Keep moving during the winter season! The
Recycling these items will bring back funds school hallways are available on days when
to the math dept. to purchase calculators school is in session between 3:45-7:30 pm.
and supplies. Drop off at the HS office or call Bring your spouse, a friend, or come on your
own! Ask CEd for a map and I.D. tag.
Mr. Roush to schedule the items to be

6 picked up at 715-472-2152 ext. 151.

Class Schedule Community More classes listed on
Education www.lucksd.k12.wi.us
January – May 2016

Our district has an amazing Beginning Knitting
variety of talents and interests.
Tue, Feb. 2 & 9 6:00-8:30 pm
Be a lifelong learner; check out these classes
and register to keep your mind and body active. Knit and purl your way through the cold
Additional class details and photos are on the
Luck School website. We’re always happy to months! We’ll learn how to cast on, knit stitch,
add new teachers and topics to the mix!
Contact Amy Aguado at CEd with a class idea, pearl stitch, and bind off making
or to learn how to teach a class and earn $$$.
a scarf in class. Bring a pair of

size US 7 or 8 knitting needles

and a skein of worsted weight or

bulky yarn. Pre-register by Jan. 26.

Pre-registration is required at least 1 week Pinterest
prior to class; contact CEd at 715-472-2152
Thu, Feb. 4 6:00-8:30 pm
x-103 or [email protected] or
WITC at 1-800-243-WITC / witc.edu. Instr: Amy Klous $21.50/*Sr. $13

If you’re 62 (and better) by 1/1/16: proudly Pinterest is a social networking site that is set
claim the reduced senior citizen (*Sr) fee. If
class is canceled due to insufficient enrollment up as a virtual pin board. Pin recipes, crafts,
you will be contacted and your fee returned.
home improvement projects and so much

more to virtual boards for easy organizing.

We will set up your profile and boards and get

Woodland Chorale you pinning before you leave. Basic computer

skills are required. You must have an email or

Auditions: Thu, Jan. 7 @ Luck School 7:00 pm a Facebook account to register for a Pinterest

Rehearsals: Thu, Jan. 21-Apr. 8 7:00-9:15 pm account. Pre-register by Jan. 28.

Instr: Dr. Harry Johansen $35 Easy Vegetarian Meals

Ready for a challenge that provides great joy?

Join the Woodland Chorale! Auditions for Tue, Feb. 9 6:00-8:00 pm

singers interested in joining the choir will Instr: Barb Kass $13 /*Sr. $8.75 (+$8 supply fee)

include singing the first verse of “America” You’ll say “WOW!” and not “Where’s the
vocalizing to the top and bottom of your vocal
beef?” during this class as you learn, help

range, sight-reading a simple tune, and reading prepare, and eat a variety of dishes made

a rudimentary rhythm exercise. For a 4th without meat. Healthy and filling dishes will

season, the 30+ members will rehearse and encompass black bean chili, wild rice,

present a pleasing range of music directed vegetarian, and stir fry to satisfy your taste
by Dr. Harry Johansen and accompanied by
buds and meet daily nutritional needs.
Christine Johansen. Plan to attend the evening
Pre-register by Feb. 2.
performance on Saturday, April 16; you’ll be
Introduction to Facebook
impressed by the depth of talent in our area!

Write, Right Now! Thu, Feb. 11 6:00-8:30 pm

Thu, Jan. 21-Feb. 25 4:00-6:30 pm Instr: Amy Klous $21.50 / *Sr. $13

Instr: Dr. Carolyn Wedin $55.86 / *Sr. $4.50 It’s never too late to participate in social net-

Whether creating short stories, a novel, a working! Social media helps you connect with

memoir or play, or a cookbook, get hints to people, groups, events and more! We’ll set up

improve your project and encouragement and your profile and start connecting with friends.
inspiration from other listeners/readers/writers.
Bring a photo on a flash drive or email it to

Writers in these classes publish a weekly yourself. An email address is needed to open

column, “Writer’s Carousel,” in the Inter-County a Facebook account. Basic computer

Leader newspaper. Pre-register by Jan. 14. skills required. Pre-register by Feb. 4.

Another class will be held March 31-May 5. Date-Night Cooking

Water Aerobics Tue, Feb. 16 6:30-8:00 pm

Mon & Wed, Feb. 1-Mar. 9 8:30-9:30 am Instr: Nico SanFilippo $48 / couple

Tue & Thu, Feb. 2-Mar. 10 8:30 & 9:30 am The language of love is not only Italian, but

Instr: Janet Erickson $55.50 / *Sr. $30 also speaks through delicious food! Couples

You’ll feel and see the results of this class; it will make and enjoy eating heart-healthy

includes a fun regiment of stretching, cardio, dishes like three-cheese ravioli with a simple
and core strengthening. Weight-resistance
san marzano sauce, asparagus

training with foam bar bells and noodles helps parmesan risotto, and cannolis

tone your arms, legs, and abdominals. All skill for dessert. Pre-register with

levels are welcome to try water aerobics; the Luck CEd by Feb. 9;
buoyancy allows for low impact on your body.
maximum# is 4-5 couples. 7
Ongoing classes every 6 weeks.

Class Schedule Community More classes listed on
Education www.lucksd.k12.wi.us
January – May 2016

Knit Beaded Headband Social Media for Business

Tue & Thu, Feb. 16 & 18 6:00-8:30 pm Thu, Mar. 3 & 10 6:00-8:30 pm

Instr: Amy Klous $30/*Sr. $17.25 Instr: Amy Klous $30 / *Sr. $17.25

Keep your ears warm and your hair looking Are you a business person who needs help

good – knit a headband! Knit headbands can with marketing your business on social media

also be embellished with flowers and buttons but don’t know where to start? We will look at

and make a great gift. Bring a pair of size 7 the various social media platforms and ways to

or 8 circular knitting needles and a skein of determine which is best for your business to

worsted (medium) weight yarn. Beginning be active on. We’ll cover Facebook, Twitter,

knitting skills required. Pre-register by Feb. 9. Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. You will learn

Driver’s Education to create images for your posts and how to

schedule your posts weeks out. We’ll then

Mon-Thu, Feb. 22-Mar. 17 6:00-8:00 pm develop a social media strategy so you can

Instr: Safe Start Driving School $75 easily manage it. Prerequisites: Basic computer

At least one parent needs to attend with their skills are required. Pre-register by Feb. 25.

student at orientation session Thu, Feb. 18. Knife Skills: Beginner

Students must be 15 by the first class AND Mon, Mar. 7 or Apr. 11 (choose 1)
6:30-7:30 pm
passing all classes. For registration form and
Instr: Nico SanFilippo
more info: www.safestartdrivingschool.com. $10 / Co-op members free
Knowing how to use knives skillfully is the
Wild Mushrooms 101 foundation of all cooking, and doesn’t have to
be scary or frustrating. Many home and even
Tue & Thu, Mar. 1 & 3 5:30-8:30 pm professional cooks don’t always wield a knife
correctly, however, which increases food prep
Instr: Tavis Lynch $23.76 / *Sr. $4.50 time and makes the process harder (and less
safe) than it should be. Learn how to slice, dice,
Join us for this great opportunity to learn from chop, and much more in the safest and most
efficient manner. This class will even guide you
a 30-year veteran of wild mushroom foraging! through the practice of keeping your knives
sharp and handling them correctly. Bonus:
This class covers the ‘three rules + one’ and veggies chopped will be made into a delicious
salsa to enjoy at class! Register by Mar. 1 / Apr. 4.
the ‘safe six’: Morels, shaggy manes, hen of

the woods, chicken mushrooms, oyster

mushrooms and puffballs. Topics include tree

identification, ethics, safety, storage and

preparation. Poisonous mushrooms will also

be discussed. Lynch is a certified by the MN

Dept. of Agriculture. He also owns Tavis's

Mushrooms, an exotic mushroom farm near

Cumberland. Register by Feb. 23. Knife Skills: Advanced

Beginning Word Tue, May 10 6:30-8:00 pm

Tue, Mar. 1 & 8 6:00-8:30 pm Instr: Nico SanFilippo $10 /Co-op members free

Instr: Amy Klous $30 / *Sr. $17.25 Take your knife skills in the kitchen to the next

Explore the basics of word processing. level; it can turn food prep from a chore into a

Word allows users to create, edit, and quickly joy! Proper slicing helps evenly cook dishes and

format text documents of all types as well as improves flavor development. Pre-register with

add images. We will learn how to format Luck CEd by May 3 and learn techniques to

letters, labels, and flyers. Basic computer impress when cooking for friends and family!

skills are required. Pre-register by Feb. 23. Pre-requisite: Beginner class listed above.

Sight and Sound Meditations Wild Mushrooms: Spring Edibles

Tue, Mar. 1-Apr. 5 7:00 pm Mon, Mar. 14 & 21 5:30-8:30 pm

Held at Pipe Dream Center Donation Instr: Tavis Lynch $36.60 / *Sr. $4.50

Need to decompress? Need to get away Learn to identify, harvest and prepare wild morel

from it all? Need to relax? If your answer mushrooms. Learn to identify all forms of true

is yes, then come and join this free class, and false morels, as well as

offered for a fourth time, by music therapist how to prepare them for the

Manfred Schonauer. This program consists table. We’ll also discuss

of live original, instrumental keyboard music, Oyster mushrooms,

with carefully selected tempos, tonalities Pheasants Back mushrooms

and modulations and improvisations set to and several edible spring

extraordinary visuals projected on a 20’x12’ plants. Emphasis will be put

8 screen, all set to soothe the mind and on safety and ethical harvest.
body. For more info, call 715-822-8401.
Pre-register by Mar. 7.

Class Schedule Community More classes listed on
Education www.lucksd.k12.wi.us
January – May 2016

Day Trip: Country Roads ~ Meet the Mountain Dulcimer
The Music of John Denver
Tue, Apr. 12 6:00-8:00 pm

Thu, Mar. 31 1:00 pm performance Instr: Merilee Thorstad $10 / $17 for two

Register by Fri, Mar. 4 $39 (motorcoach & ticket) Instructor Merilee Thorstad is a folk music

This musical debut at Plymouth Playhouse is a enthusiast, and dulcimer aficionado. Class

tribute to one of America’s favorite folk singers. participants will learn the history of the

Interspersed with personal recollections, songs mountain (or Appalachian) dulcimer and

include Take Me Home, Country Roads, Thank meet its European “cousins” - the Norwegian

God I’m a Country Boy, and Rocky Mountain langeleik, the Swedish/Danish Humle, and the

High. These sweet, simple, nostalgic tunes are German Scheitholt. Merilee will demonstrate

sure to fill up your senses and have you singing playing these and the dulcimer with a few

along. Choose your own lunch at the adjoining tunes in their many different styles. Then it’s

Green Mill Restaurant. Register and designate YOUR turn with a dulcimer! Merilee will lead

your pick-up point in Luck or St. Croix Falls. a group session in playing this “simple to

… MORE Day Trips this Spring! learn” instrument. Pre-register by Apr. 5.

Our neighboring CEds have teamed up to help Boosting Habitats:

each other promote our day trips. Here’s a quick Butterflies, Hummingbirds, and Bees

list of day trips offered by either Grantsburg,

Unity, Frederic, or Luck. Contact Luck CEd and Thu, Apr. 14 6:30-8:00 pm

ask for a detailed sheet so you can make some Instr: Fritz Coulter $5

great memories! Learn what plants and flow-

Locations: Chippewa Falls, Stillwater, Duluth, ers attract both the larval

Ashland, MN Landscape Arboretum, Nifty and adult stages of common

Thrifty/Mall of America, and MN State Fair. local butterflies, what types

Events: Riverdance, Joseph & the Amazing of flowers are most attrac-

Technicolor Dreamcoat (Orpheum), Twins tive to hummingbirds, and

Game, and Beauty & the Beast (Chanhassen why you should want to attract Mason Bees to

Dinner Theatre). your garden. Get directions to build your own

Gluten Free Cooking Mason Bee house. Each student will receive a

Thu, Mar. 31 or Apr. 28 6:30-8:30 pm free packet of seeds guaranteed to attract

Instr: Nico SanFilippo $20 / $30 per couple. Monarch Butterflies. Info will be provided on

Build your GF know-how with this class: we’ll the Monarch Watch program and how you can

focus on tasty breads, easy desserts, and pizza become involved. Minimum of 5 students to

dough. Take home a loaf of butternut squash run this class. Pre-register by Apr. 7.

banana bread and sample fig chai bread. Pre- Improvisational Comedy

register by Mar. 24 or Apr. 21. Tue & Thu, Apr. 7-28 6:00-8:00 pm

Wild Mushrooms 301: Genus Russula Instr: Dan Mielke $47 / *Sr. $25.75

Mon, Apr. 4 5:30-8:30 pm Laughter and humor are good tonics for a

Instr: Tavis Lynch $17.34 / *Sr. $4.50 healthier life; come get an overdose of both at

The genus Russula includes some very beautiful class! Learn different techniques and comedy

and interesting species of forest mushrooms, basics through interaction and group partici-

and many are very hard to distinguish. Because pation, guided by instructor Mielke’s indis-

russulas are typically fairly large and often pensable “10 Commandments of Improv”.

brightly colored, amateur mushroomers often A performance on Friday, Apr. 29 will show-

want to I.D. them. We’ll learn about the edible case our local talent for family, friends, and

and toxic species, look at closely related and everyone with a bit of curiosity about improv

similar-looking mushrooms, and relationships comedy. Pre-register by Mar. 31.

with trees and other plants and fungi. This is a AARP Safe Driving

good follow-up to the 101 or 201 classes. Mon, Apr. 25 12:15-4:30 pm

Spreadsheet Basics using Excel Instr: Mary Nelson $15 member / $20 non-mbr

Tue, Apr. 5 & 12 6:00-8:30 pm Cars, traffic rules, driving conditions, and the

Instr: Amy Klous $30 / *Sr. $17.25 roads you travel are always changing. Some

Explore the basics of spreadsheets. You’ll drivers age 50-plus have never looked back

create and navigate spreadsheets, tables, since they got their first driver’s licenses, but

and basic formulas. Spreadsheets are great even the most experienced benefit from

for tracking family budgets, sports stats, house- brushing up on skills. Class includes 9
several videos and a handbook to
hold inventory, and so much more. Basic com-

puter skills required. Pre-register by Mar. 29. review at home. Pre-register by Apr. 18.

Class Schedule Community More classes listed on
Education www.lucksd.k12.wi.us
January – May 2016

Composting 101 CPR / AED Certification

Tue, Apr. 26 6:00-8:00 pm Tue, Feb. 23 or Mar. 15 6:00-8:30 pm

Instr: Barb Kass $5 Instr: Jeni Arjes $30 / $45

Whether you mulch a small when combined with First Aid cert.

patch of perennials or have This CPR / AED certification course teaches skills

acres of garden to tend, with AHA’s research-proven Practice-While-

composting is beneficial. Watching (PWW) technique, which allows

Home composting as a instructors to observe the students, provide

method to manage yard materials and food feedback and guide the students’ learning of

scraps at the source. Not only is composting a skills. This course is for anyone with limited or

very effective tool to keep these materials no medical training who needs a course compl-

out of landfills, but also produces a finished etion card in CPR and AED use to meet job,

product valued by gardeners everywhere. regulatory or other requirements. Training

Instructor is a UWEX Master Composter and focuses separately on adults, children, and

wants to share her knowledge with you! Pre- infants for CPR, AED, and choking (FBAO).

register by Apr. 19. The class is taught by both

Blogging video and instructor, and

Thu, Apr. 7 & 14 6:00-8:30 pm hands-on class format

Instr: Amy Klous $30 / *Sr. $17.25 reinforces skills proficiency.

Have a hobby or special interest and love to First Aid Certification

write? Or have you heard how beneficial Tue, Mar. 8 or Mar. 29 6:00-9:00 pm

blogging is for business? We’ll use WordPress Instr: Jeni Arjes $30 / $45

(a free blogging platform) to set up a blog when combined with CPR/AED cert.

and create your first blog post. Learn the This first aid certification class is also video-

step-by-step process for creating blog posts. based and instructor-led. Students learn critical

We’ll also discuss keywords and how they’re skills to respond to and manage an emergency

used in your blog, ways to avoid blogger’s in the first few minutes until emergency

block, and developing a strategy for blogging medical services (EMS) arrives. Students learn

consistently. Pre-register by Mar. 31. skills such as how to treat bleeding, sprains,

Grilling Great Foods broken bones, shock and other first aid

Tuesday, May 3 6:00-8:00 pm emergencies. This course is for anyone with

Instr: Barb Kass/Mike Miles $13 / *Sr. $8.75 limited or no medical training who needs a

Grilling season is coming! Brush up or learn course completion card in first aid to meet job,

new techniques to grill delicious outdoor regulatory or other requirements. Topics

meals. You’ll impress your family and friends include: first aid basics, and medical, injury, and

with mouth-watering recipes from this two- environmental emergencies.

hour class. Roll up your sleeves and have fun Upon completing either or both courses, students
receive an American Heart Association Heartsaver®
chopping and chatting with Mike and Barb… Course Completion Card that’s valid for 2 yrs.

and remember to come hungry! A reasonable

$8 supply fee will be due to the instructor Who Me? Yes, YOU Can Teach!

prior to class. Pre-register by Apr. 26. Do you have a technical or fun skill you’d like to
teach others? We’re always looking for people
Beginning Powerpoint who’d enjoy sharing what they know. Check out
the ‘previous classes’ list under the Community
Tue & Thu, May 10 & 12 6:00-8:30 pm tab on the Luck School website for ideas. We’re
starting to schedule summer and fall classes
Instr: Amy Klous $30 / *Sr. $17.25 now. Contact Amy Aguado at 715-472-2152 ext.
103 to talk about the options and decent pay
Powerpoint is a versatile tool that will show- teaching through Community Ed. and WITC.
We’ve had requests for these classes and are
case your speech, course, sales presentation, looking for instructors:

slideshow, and so much more, guiding you Build-a-Birdhouse
Creative Welding
and your audience through your speaking Yoga & Tai Chi
Luck Garden Walk
points and adding a professional touch. We’ll Bike Tune-up & Family Rides
Travel Tips for All Ages
learn how to navigate and set up a

Powerpoint presentation, including

formatting, adding images and

effects, speaker notes, and how to

get maximum impact in your Powerpoint

presentation. Basic computer skills

10 required. Pre-register by May 3.

Luck Sports Calendars

Go to www.lucksd.k12.wi.us & click on Athletic Schedules for the most recent schedules!

MS Athletic Director: Mr. Don Kendzior HS Athletic Director: Mr. Chuck Holicky

Basketball Boys JV / Varsity Hockey Lck/Frdrc/Grntsbrg/Wbstr/Srn Boys Varsity
Jan. 5 @ Moose Lake 7:00 p
Jan. 5 Grantsburg @ Luck 5:45 / 7:15 p 7 Regis @ Siren 6:00 p
8 @ Clear Lake 5:45 / 7:15 p 12 Spooner @ Siren 7:00 p
5:45 / 7:15 p 14 Baldwin-Woodville @ Siren 7:00 p
12 @ Siren 5:45 / 7:15 p 16 @ Ashland 3:00 p
15 Frederic @ Luck 19 @ Somerset 7:00 p
22 St. Croix Falls @ Luck 7:15 p 23 v. Becker @ Princeton 7:00 p
29 @ Unity 7:15 p 26 Amery @ Siren 7:00 p
Feb. 2 Webster @ Luck 7:15 p 28 New Richmond @ Grantsburg 7:00 p
7:15 p 30 Chequamegon @ Siren 3:00 p
5 @ Grantsburg 7:15 p Feb. 2 Pine City @ Grantsburg 7:00 p
9 Webster @ Luck 7:15 p 4 @ Regis 7:30 p
19 Siren @ Luck 7:15 p
25 @ Frederic

Basketball Girls JV / Varsity 6 Ashland @ Siren 3:00 p
9 @ Rice Lake 7:00 p
Jan. 5 Grantsburg @ Luck 7:15 / 5:45 p 13 @ Hayward 1:00 p
8 @ Clear Lake 7:15 / 5:45 p
12 @ Siren 7:15 / 5:45 p
15 Frederic @ Luck 7:15 / 5:45 p Hockey Please refer to school website Girls Varsity

19 @ Winter 5:45 p Softball Luck/Frederic Varsity
22 St. Croix Falls @ Luck 5:45 p
26 @ Birchwood (NC) 7:15 p Apr. 8 Clear Lake @ Frederic Elem. 5:00 p
11 v. Turtle Lake/Clayton @ Clayton 5:00 p
28 Solon Springs @ Luck (NC) 7:15 p 12 @ St. Croix Falls 5:00 p
29 @ Unity 5:45 p
Feb. 2 Webster @ Luck 5:45 p 14 Unity @ Frederic 5:00 p
19 @ Birchwood 5:00 p
5 @ Grantsburg 5:45 p 21 @ Grantsburg 5:00 p
9 Turtle Lake @ Luck 5:45 p
16 @ Prairie Farm (NC) 7:15 p 25 @ Webster 5:00 p
28 @ Cameron 5:00 p
19 Siren @ Luck 7:15 / 5:45 p May 2 Shell Lake @ Frederic HS 5:00 p

Basketball Girls Middle School 5 Turtle Lake/Clayton @ Frederic 5:00 p
9 @ Unity 5:00 p
Jan. 7 Frederic @ Luck 4:30 p 10 Cameron @ Frederic 5:00 p
11 St. Croix Falls @ Luck 4:30 p
12 Unity @ Luck 4:30 p 16 Grantsburg @ Frederic 5:00 p
17 @ Shell Lake 5:00 p
14 @ Grantsburg 4:30 p 19 Siren/Webster @ Luck 5:00 p
18 @ Siren 4:30 p
21 @ Webster 4:30 p
28 @ Frederic 4:30 p Baseball Luck/Frederic JV / Varsity
Apr. 11 @ Clayton 5:00 p
Feb. 1 @ St. Croix Falls 4:30 p 12 @ St. Croix Falls 5:00 p
4 Siren @ Luck 4:30 p
8 Grantsburg @ Luck 4:30 p 14 Unity @ Luck 5:00 p
18 St. Croix Falls @ Luck 5:00 p
9 @ Unity 4:30 p 21 @ Grantsburg 5:00 p
16 Webster @ Luck 4:30 p
25 @ Webster 5:00 p
Wrestling Luck/Frederic/Grantsburg Varsity 28 @ Siren 5:00 p
May 2 Shell Lake @ Luck 5:00 p
Jan. 7 @ St. Croix Falls 7:00 p 5 Turtle Lake / Clayton @ Luck 5:00 p
14 Unity @ Frederic 7:00 p 9 @ Unity 5:00 p
28 @ Turtle Lake 7:00 p 10 Siren @ Luck 5:00 p
10:00 a 16 Grantsburg @ Luck 5:00 p
Feb. 6 Conference @ Cameron

Golden Age Passes 17 @ Shell Lake 5:00 p
19 Webster @ Luck 5:00 p
Passes are available to Luck School District
residents age 62 years or older. The pass admits Golf Please refer to school website Boys Varsity
holders to all Luck School extra-curricular home
events, but is not valid at WIAA sponsored Music in the Park
tournaments. Pick up a pass in the high school
office. This pass isn’t transferable and doesn’t Mark your calendars for Tuesdays this summer
need to be renewed each year. for great entertainment at the Luck Triangle
Park. Each week from June 7 thru August 16
AYSO Soccer Registration at 6:30 pm a different musical group will
perform in the gazebo. Watch for a detailed
Frederic and Luck youth, ages 5-18, can register performance schedule.
to play soccer during the mid-April thru mid-June
Luck Booster Club
season. Registration opens on Jan. 15 on
If you’re looking for some cool Cardinal-wear
eayso.org (region 1367) or come to Frederic
for yourself or a family member, look no
Elementary on Feb. 10 from 5-7 pm. Additional
further! The Booster Club has new designs on
info can be found on the fredericluckayso.org t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and more! There
website; or contact Prudence at 715-501-4517
or [email protected]. Registration and are also great prices on close-out items. The

payment deadline is Feb. 19. Volunteers are shop is open during all home double-header

needed to coach and referee; discounted basketball games. Or you can contact
registration rate may be available for volun-
teers. High School students should inquire if the HS Office (715-472-2152) or 11
they’d like to earn community service hours. website for additional times.

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